

Projects, musings, and inspiration from NYC-based freelance photographer Frankie Marin.

Cozy Gurl Club: Katie

I met Katie about a year ago on an influencer trip for a small wildlife conservation brand in upstate New York. I remember thinking she was quieter compared to some of the other girls on the trip but in truth, I realized she just knew how to read the room and speak up when she needed to; those are the trademarks of a great active listener. No wasted words.

But as the trip progressed, we got chattier — I vaguely remember jumping into a conversation about cults — and while everyone else in the room were mouths-agape in abject horror, Katie and I were smiling at each other. I guess because we shared some of the same gallows humor and interest in spooky things.

I was really stoked that she also happened to be friends with a lot of people I already knew and so we hit it off. She’s incredibly sweet and I’m so proud of her for being an advocate for mental health and being transparent with her feelings, her thought processes, and her journey.

We had the opportunity to get together again a couple of months ago to shoot some fun indoor photos. It was freezing cold outside on Tuesday morning so we stayed in the warmth and safety of her Manhattan apartment, trying a wide variety of cozy, loungey looks. Here are some of my favorites!